A little update

I now really enjoy exams. It's quiet so that I can think but I am writing constantly so my mind never really wanders. Okay, I don't always know all of the answers and that's fustrating. But it's never a case of complete loss for me and I know that I should be eternally grateful for that. It's just nice, 200-300 people sitting the same exam, thinking the same thoughts and writing the same words to prove ourselves to the world. There's something so calming about it.

In English Literature class we're writing about "The Last Time" and my story is about a young girl who is dying of cancer and wants a last day of total freedom. I'm learning some answers about myself and about my existence about it, which is lovely. As soon as I can I'll put it online.

I really need a meditative trip somewhere. I'd love to be totally alone for a week, but unfortunately, I think that that would be borderline illegal. But oh, how delightful a simple existence would be. Just me, my wiring, painting materials and my camera, in the middle of nowhere, exporing. Okay so maybe a bike would be useful too but gosh it would be so lovely.

I watched a new(ish) film called "The Lucky One" last night. I was actually pleasantly surprised but not in the way intended I'm sure. I was not moved as deeply as Nicolas Sparks no doubt wished for me to, though the interior decor... WOW. Literally the most amazing ever. I should probably have noted down who designed it, actually, and see some more of their work. Oh it's fabulous, and if you're into shabby chic, I'd definitely recommend seeing the film only for that.

 Annie xx

PS. Sorry about the rambling

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Monday, 7 May 2012

Duke of Edinburgh

Duke of Edinburgh

This weekend was the first time ever that I've done a DofE expedition, and I know that this sounds ridiculously cliche, but it was such a rewarding experience. I'm not quite at the point where I can say that I'm proud of myself or anything, because I'm still achey and horrible, but I'm sure that this feeling will come soon enough. It is so crazy to think that what I've gone through this weekend, teenagers and young people have been going through it for 55 years, and no doubt will continue for hundreds of years.

  I would recommend it, but it was SO BLOODY PAINFUL. I want to die and sleep for a thousand years because EVERYTHING HURTS. Saturday night was so cold it was unbe-bloody-lievable. SO there were 10 of us crammed into a four man tent, sharing sleeping bags and not knowing where one body started and another ended. The huge problem was feet; it was impossible to know who's foot belonged to who, and whether they were trying a bit of footsie or just itching. It was a what-happens-on-dofe-stays-on-dofe scenario. All so lovely and cosy and fun. 
